Princess Pinky Girl

Jennifer Fishkind, Founder & Owner

Bloomfield Hills, MI
Jenn headshot strawberry shortcake
A food blog that sparkles

Whether you were an early Instagram adopter or using Uber before it was a household name, we all have that one app that we used “before it was cool.” For Jenn Fishkind, that app was Pinterest. She was pinning up a storm in the very early days, when the site was still invite-only.

While planning her oldest son’s bar mitzvah, Jenn made a board that amassed over a million followers. After fielding some offers to sell the board for a solid chunk of change, Jenn instead decided to monetize her board through affiliate links — a strategy so lucrative, it prompted an important question.

“I realized if I can send all this traffic through Pinterest to these companies’ sites, I can probably send these same followers to something of my own,” reasoned Jenn. “So that’s when I decided to start a blog.”

But before she could get posting, she needed a name. As she brainstormed ideas, her sister suggested “Princess Pinky Girl” — a reference to Jenn’s old Halloween costume where she dressed up in pink flannel pajamas and donned a princess tiara. The costume was cheap, silly, and immediately legendary.

“I needed a name that sparkled,” says Jenn. “So Princess Pinky Girl represents anyone who loves glitter, pink, and whimsy—because we all have a little Princess Pinky Girl in us.”

After playing around with a few topics, like recipes, travel, and DIY projects, Jenn eventually decided to hone in on recipes as her area of focus. But there was just one catch: Jenn…isn’t exactly a master chef.

“So the niche that I kind of carved out was ‘If I can make it, anyone can make it,’” says Jenn. “My mission is to provide readers with easy-to-follow recipes that require no fancy ingredients or advanced cooking skills. With step-by-step instructions and helpful shortcuts, you can impress your family and friends without spending hours in the kitchen.”

rainbow sprinkle cookies
Easy recipes — at no cost

From the beginning, Jenn knew she didn’t want to put her site behind a paywall or make readers pay for a subscription.

“I’m just personally not a fan of paywalls from a user standpoint,” explains Jenn. “It's not the business model that I want. I want to provide free recipes to my loyal readers. I don't want them to have to sign up for something to see the actual recipe.”

This meant monetizing through AdSense was the move. Luckily, Jenn had a built-in audience from Pinterest that enabled her to quickly hit the traffic thresholds to qualify for ad platforms like Raptive, a Google Certified Publishing Partner.

“I’m super impressed with Raptive,” says Jenn. “They’re very professional, and they support their creators in ways I haven’t seen. They help out with everything from newsletters to helping you with SEO — it’s an amazing amount of support I’m getting.”

Thanks to her partnership with AdSense and now Raptive, Jenn is making 90% of her income from ad monetization. She’s deeply grateful for this revenue — because after all, running a successful website doesn’t always come cheap.

“There are costs involved in producing solid recipes that are tried and tested,” says Jenn. “I have a recipe developer, a recipe tester, a photographer — all those people I'm employing, I have to pay them. And the only way I can do that is by having ads on my site.”

“I’m just personally not a fan of paywalls from a user standpoint. It's not the business model that I want. I want to provide free recipes to my loyal readers.”
If she can make it, so can you

“Personally, the ad revenue has allowed my family a great deal of joy,” says Jenn. “My family's benefited from it, and now we're able to do a lot of things that we wouldn't have been able to do otherwise.”

For years, Jenn worked in the nonprofit sector. While the work was rewarding, it was also a grind. Now that she’s her own boss, she can more easily balance her work while still spending lots of quality time with her husband and three sons.

But just because Jenn’s her own boss doesn’t mean she has to do everything. One of the turning points in her career came when she realized it was okay to ask for help.

“It's probably one of my strengths and something that I'm most proud of,” says Jenn. “I'm not afraid to admit when I don't get something or when I need help. That’s when I go out and find that help.”

Now Jenn has a team of pros all around the world — from Bali to Ukraine — who help her produce content that resonates with her audience.

One recipe that really resonated were Jenn’s rainbow sprinkle cookies, which went viral during the pandemic. Jenn still singles that moment out as one of the highlights of her blogging career.

“Everyone was making these cookies to share with their friends and family in hopes of bringing a little bit of sunshine and happiness to a very bleak and stressful time,” says Jenn. “To this day, I constantly get stopped and told how this recipe got them through the shutdown and how it’s still one of their favorite cookie recipes ever!”

These moments are Jenn’s favorite part: getting to share recipes she’s passionate about, then watching readers fall in love with them too.

“There are so many people who want to make something homemade, but are easily turned off by a long list of ingredients and a super long list of steps to follow,” says Jenn. “That’s why these are truly easy recipes. If I can make them, anyone can!”

About the Publisher

Jenn Fishkind is the founder of Princess Pinky Girl, a website dedicated to simple, reliable, and family-friendly recipes. With a passion for making cooking easy and fun, Jenn and her team develop and test every recipe to ensure success for home cooks of all levels. She’s built a thriving online community, with over 3.5 million followers on Pinterest and 1.3 million on Facebook and loves sharing time-saving tips, no-fuss meals, and creative desserts. When she’s not in the kitchen, Jenn enjoys spending time with her husband and three boys in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.

Jenn headshot